Paper Code: 
DEDU 805
Contact Hours: 
Hours: Contact Hours (45) + Independent work (30) + Others (15) = Total Hours (90)
Max. Marks: 

Course Objectives: -

After completing the course, the students will be able to:

  1. develop basic understanding and familiarity with key concepts – gender, gender bias, gender stereotype, empowerment, gender parity, equity and equality, patriarchy
  2. learn about gender issues in school, curriculum, textual materials across disciplines, pedagogical processes and its intersection with class, caste, religion and region
  3. develop understanding about themselves; the development of the self as a person and a teacher
  4. develop a holistic and integrated understanding of the human self and personality


Course Outcomes (COs):




Course Outcome

Learning and

teaching strategies

Assessment strategies


Paper Code

Paper Title


DEDU 805

Gender, School & Society

CO 196: Analyze the equity & equality in relation to caste, class, religion, ethnicity, disability & regional disparity. CO 197: Examine the socialization processes and role of different agencies in socialization.

CO 198: Devise strategies to tackle gender discrimination in the context of Education.

CO 199: Evaluate the role of a teacher as a reflective practitioner.

CO 200: Practice resilience as a teacher and deal with conflicts.

Teaching strategies: Interactive Lectures, Discussions, Case study



Learning strategies: Self-learning assignments, Survey

Formative Assessment (30%): Class test- week 6,

Assignment (1),

presentation (1)



Summative Assessment (70%)

Semester end examination



Unit I: 
Gender issues: Key Concepts

·       Sex, Gender, Transgender, Gender Identity, Patriarchy, Masculinity and Femininity

·       Gender bias, Gender Stereotyping, Gender Discrimination, Gender Sensitivity

. Gender Equity and Gender Equality [In relation with caste, class, religion, ethnicity, disability and regional disparity

Unit II: 
Socialization Processes in India: Family, School and Society
  • Gender Socialization, Agents of Gender Socialization
  • Impact of Gender Socialization on Decision Making
  • Gender Socialization and Education- Tackling Gender Bias in Teacher Attitudes, Textbooks, Classroom Transactions, Hidden Curriculum
  • Teachers as an Agent of Change in the context of Gender & Society


Unit III: 
Gender and Education
  • Heterogeneous gendered realities and domains and challenges in education


  • Gender sensitivity, Gender Parity Index, Gender Empowerment


  • Need & Importance of Girls’ Education, Ways to improve Girls’ Access to Education


  • Role of Schools in Challenging Gender Inequalities


  • Government Policies, Programmes, Initiatives for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality in India


Unit IV: 
Exploring the Self
  • Self concept


  • Self identity


  • Self esteem


  • Self image


  • Harmony and peace with the self



Unit V: 
: Role of Teacher and Agencies
  • Teacher as a reflective practitioner
  • Agencies that shape Self: Family, School and Medial


Sessional Work (Any One):

Review any one newspaper article related to Gender Equity and Equality in India

. Review of personal narratives, life stories and group interaction.



Essential Readings: 
  • Nanda, G.K. (2020). Understanding the scale. new Delhi: Neelkamal publications
  • Prabhakar, N. Sharma, A. (2017). Gender, school and society, Jaipur: thakur Publicationsprivate limited

self, Agra: Radha prakashan mandir pvt. Ltd

  • Sharma, R.K. Dubey, S.K. Upadhyaya, R.K. Sharma, R. (2018). Understanding the self


  • Bhatnagar, S. & Anamika Saxena (2007); Modern Indian Education and its Problems. Meerut: R. Lall Book Depot.
  • Desai, Neera and Thakkar, Usha. (2001); Women in Indian Society. New Delhi: National Book Trust.
  • Dunne, M. (2003); Gender and Violence in Schools. UNESCO.
  • Duval, T.S. & Silvia, P.J.(2002). Self-Awareness, Probability of Improvement and the Self-Serving Bias. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 49-61.
  • Guilford Mullen, B. &Suls, J. (1982). Know Thyself: Stressful Life Changes and the Ameliorative Effect of Private Self-Consciousness. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 18, 43-55.
  • Lewis, M. &Brooks-Gunn, J. (1978). Self-Knowledge and Emotional Development in M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (Eds.), The Development of Affect: The Genesis of Behavior, 1 (pp. 205-226). New York: Plenum Press.
  • Luft J and Ingham Branden, N., & Archibald, S. (1982). The Psychology of Self-Esteem. Bantam Books.
  • Phillips, A.G. and Silvia, P.J. (2004).Self- awareness, self-evaluation and creativity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1009-1017.
  • Povinelli, D.J. and Prince, C.G. (1998). When Self Met Other in M. Ferrari& R.J. Sternberg (Eds.), Self-awareness: Its nature and development (pp. 37-107). New York.
  • Rogers, C. (2012). On Becoming a Person: A therapist’s view of psychotherapy. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Rogers, C. R. (1974). Toward Becoming a Fully Functioning Person. Reading in Human Development: A Humanistic Approach, 33.
  • Tripathi, P. (2016); Gender, School and Society. Agra: Agrawal Publications.
  • Trivedi, V.O. (2016); Gender, School and Society. Agra: Agrawal Publications


Academic Year: